Romcutlery is committed to 100% customer satisfaction. All of our products (except personal care or custom products) comes with 30 days guarantee, if you are not happy with the product by any reasons, you may return it within 30 days of the product received date. Please contact us to process your refund


Return conditions:

  • You may return new, unopened, unused items within 30 days for a full refund less shipping and handling.
  • You may return new, unopened, unused items within 30 days for a full refund less shipping and handling.
  • Return shipping is the responsibility of the buyer, unless we've made a mistake in fulfilling your order.
  • Upon receiving your email request for a Return or Exchange, a Customer Service Representative will email you return instructions with the address on where you need to ship your item back to.
  • Refund will be issued once we received and inspected the returned item.
  • Items must be clean, unused, undamaged and returned in original packaging, with all paperwork, parts and accessories to ensure full credit. Items displaying excessive wear are not eligible for a refund
  • Defective Merchandise: We double check every item before shipping, but if you receive a product that is defective, you must report this problem within 3 days of receipt using the notification procedure outlined above.
  • Please include the following information:

Full name:

Phone number:

Order number:

Email address:

Product name / sku:

Reasons for the return